La Bellezah Homes II
41 units townhouses located in Pulang Bato, Cebu City, Philippines
Next to Talamban Cebu city
Total lot area: 8,038 sqm
Total buildable area: 3,036 sqm
Salable area: 1,945 sqm
Non-saleable for open space and roads: 1,084 sqm
Few minutes drive from city proper, Talamban, commercial center, schools, church and etc
2-storey house and .lot
Floor area; 45.75 sqm
Lot area: 41 sqm
2-bedroom unit with living, kitchen, dining, car parking
Total contract price: 2.6M - 2.8M
Terms of payment:
15% equity/dp for 36 months
85% thru cash/bank financing
For inquiries, call/text 09171133711/09296419733 viber/whatsApp, YouTube channel
Niño Jumao-as Caturza, PRC License. No.0015450 until 1/22/25
PTR no. 2084766 valid until Dec. 2025
HLURB - CVRFO - B - 01/19-0015 until 1/31/2023
We will process land title bohol and cebu only
If you have properties for sale, please submit to us!
Website www.propertyph.net
Email: caturza@yahoo.com and ninocaturza@gmail.com