Lot For Sale in Talamban Cebu City with 578 sqm and Clean Title
Price: 5,000 per sqm net
Direct BUYERS only
For inquiries please contact : 09171133711/09296419733
Niño J. Caturza, PRC License. No.0015450 until 1/22/22
PTR no. 2084766 is valid until Dec. 2020
HLURB - CVRFO - B - 01/19-0015 until 1/31/2020 - recently renewed
Other services: Processing of land title (Bohol and Cebu) and if you have properties for sale, please submit them to us!
To protect your hard-earned money, deal only with licensed real estate brokers.
RA9646 Section 39. Penal Provisions - a penalty of 100,000 and 2 yrs. imprisonment and double of unlicensed brokers/agents!