- Second lot from barangay road and with road right of way
- Few minutes drive from national highway
- water is by digging a well and electricity is available
- Internet signal is also available and cool place especially night time
- Very quite which ideal for retirement, farming and etc.
- Area: 9.6 hectares/96,000 sqm but only hectares is for sale by owner
- Price: 150 pesos per sqm now owner reduces at 100 pesos per sqm net
For inquiries, site inspection, reservation, please contact me and subscribe our YouTube channel/messenger/facebook account: Niño Jumao-as Caturza
DHSUD No. CVRFO-B-11/19-0015, Mobile phone no. 09171133711 and +639171133711
Email: Caturzan@yahoo.com and ninocaturza@gmail.com